
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

OMFG...Gossip Girl

I'll admit it, I love the show Gossip Girl. It's a guilty pleasure that I gladly indulge in once a week.

Today, posted an article about the show and its choice of advertising.

Beginning in August, print ads will be released that feature characters of the show in compromising and racy positions with a quote from an actual newspaper that previously criticized the show.

How clever.

However, Melissa Henson, the director of communications for Parents Television Council (PTC) does not think this ploy so clever.

This is because a phrase borrowed from the PTC appears on one of Gossip Girl's new ads.

Henson said, "I think it reeks of desperation, if they have to position themselves as so edgy and so controversial that they've been called out by us."

I would have to disagree with Ms. Henson as I think the ads are cunning and eye-catching.

The shows criticism stems from its raciness and inappropriateness for young children and young adults. Since when has bad criticism stopped Americans from indulging in anything though?

I think that this advertising strategy will only help the show in its second season.

What do you think?

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