
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Non-profits and Networking

Have you ever wondered where non-profit organizations get their donations from, or who are the kind-hearted people that contribute to these worthwhile causes?

After attending and participating in countless non-profit organizations’ events and fundraisers, I quickly learned that some of the biggest contributors are business owners, large and small. You may not know it, but these are the people you should definitely make an effort to interact with at these events.

This past Sunday, the Alzheimer’s Association held their annual Memory Walk in Atlantic City, NJ where an astonishing amount of people got together to donate their time, money, and walking skills, to benefit this organization. While there were snacks and beverages set up for the walkers, there were also tables set up for business owners that contributed to this year’s event.

After speaking briefly with my professor, Gary Frisch, who is the President of Swordfish Communications, I realized that connecting with people at these events is extremely beneficial for networking. By just introducing yourself and getting general information about a company, you may be making a connection that will help you now, or later in your career.

I bet lots of people are looking for interns, employees, or even friendly connections, and would appreciate your interest in their company.

So, next time you are at an event, don’t hesitate to go up to the tables that are set up, and introduce yourself. It may lead to connections that you will be grateful for!

This guest blog was written by PRowl Public Relations firm staff member, Ashley Kraynak.

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