
Friday, December 19, 2008

Tweet Tweet: You're Fired!

Twitter is making the news these days. This week, the New York Times published an article about a new way to stay current on the media.

A tip sheet is a newsletter that PR professionals can get about changes in media personnel. If you have a Twitter account, now you don’t have to wait for that newsletter, you can get instant updates! “The Media Is Dying” is a Twitter stream that sends media hirings and firings in less than 140 characters. The stream, which was once private, is now public to all who want to “follow.” With the economy, staffing changes and layoffs are increasing every day, and as a public relations professional and/or student, it is essential to keep up with who’s who in the media. Keeping current on staff changes will allow for you to pitch to the correct person, and not annoy the wrong one.

Happy Twittering!

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