
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Apple!

I myself am a fan of the Apple technologies… I have a MacBook and I’ve had my fair share of iPods as well (which I couldn’t live without). It seems this week most major news websites have put together articles and slideshows about the history of Apple. This Saturday (1/31/08) marks the 25th anniversary of Macintosh. Check out the “Top 10 Apple Moments,” TIME has put together. (Though I think the recent “PC guy and MAC guy (Justin Long)” deserve a spot on the list.)

However, through the years the company has continuously grown, positioning itself with the hottest and trendiest technologies, always outshining their previous products. It would be interesting to see how the company’s public relations staff operates. After quickly researching about Apple’s PR, there weren’t many positive comments, but it was interesting that each Apple product has an individual PR team. So there is the iPod PR team, the MacBook PR team, the iPhone PR team, and well you get the point. The corporate giant of Apple is a force to be reckoned with, I think I’ll wonder some more about what working for them would be like.

All in all, it really is amazing how technology has advanced tremendously over the years, especially the progress of Apple.

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