
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Who Doesn't Love a List?

Everyone knows how much we love lists at PRowl Public Relations. Maybe it comes from being Strategic and Organizational Communication majors, or maybe we're all just really organized. No matter what the reason may be, we use lists for everything from writing tips to "How To..." blog posts.

Personally, I use lists for everything. I use them to organize my schoolwork, organize what I need to get done for PRowl, and what I need to get done in life outside school! One of my favorite lists to write is one I do before a new semester starts. I write down all of my goals for the next 3-4 months (usually about 10 goals). This helps me to stay focused in school, and it also helps me to remember to do things I love! Being in college is such a wonderful and exciting experience, and there is so much to do outside of the academic world (even though academics are very important)! I never share all of my goals with anyone, but I will tell you the one that I always put last on my list - be happy.

The reason I'm writing about this topic today is because our former firm director, Natalie Herr, has started a new and exciting project called 101 in 1001, and it has inspired me to start on my new list. Basically, she had to come up with 101 things that she has to accomplish in the next 1001 days. Check out her new 101 Journey blog, to get a better understanding of the project and to see what she's been up to!

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