
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Who doesn't like pudding?

The other day my friend James Varon sent me a message about a new site he and a few friends have created, called The Pudding. I hope you all to check it out at As an advertising major and a fellow Temple University student, he writes for the Media & Advertising section; but the site also features subjects in Business, Arts and Reviews.

He explains, “The Pudding is geared towards those in need of valid information in a way that is simple to understand, easy to retain and most of all comical. With many serious issues going on in our world broadcasted negatively by popular media, we have chosen to deliver important current events in a non-serious manner.”

The site will be updated weekly every Monday, so check back with new articles. I’m excited to see what my fellow students will have to share! I wish the gang at The Pudding the best of luck!

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