
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Role Model, Or Not?

If you haven't heard about the latest Michael Phelps scandal, you're probably living under a rock. It was the topic of discussion in all of my classes yesterday, except for one. This article explains everything about Phelps' marijuana-smoking picture that was released this weekend.

Some of the conversations we had included:

  • He's in the public eye, so he should be more aware of his actions, especially after his DUI bust following the Athens Olympic Games.
  • Who cares what he does? He's allowed to do what he wants.
  • He apologized, so just let it go.
  • He's an Olympic athlete. He should not be using ANY kind of substances.
  • It's illegal. There are "normal" people getting busted when he's just getting slapped on the hand. There should be a bigger punishment.
  • What was he thinking?! He's a role model to so many kids!
We also talked about who this is good / bad for...
  • Good for his competition. He may have used other substances that enhanced his performance for both of his Olympic appearances.
  • Bad for Phelps. He's not getting very much good criticism out of this, at all. He could lose all of his endorsements.
  • Good for the "drug war." Advocates for legalizing marijuana have his "support."

The good thing is, Phelps came out right away and apologized for his actions. The best way to fix a crisis in PR is to come out with the truth immediately. Don't try to hide anything, and always be honest.

What do our readers think? Leave us some comments!


  1. The comment "Good for his competition. He may have used other substances that enhanced his performance for both of his Olympic appearances" is ridiculous. Pot and performance-enhancing drugs are in no way related.

    Do I think Phelps is stupid for his actions? Absolutely. Should he be doing something like this, especially after already having a DUI? No way. Do I think he is sorry? That he got caught, yes. That he smoked pot, no.

    Phelps is on top of the world. He has tons of money and is recognizable anywhere on the planet. He's also just a kid. It's gone to his head, and he thinks he can get away with anything. It shouldn't take anything away from his accomplishments. It just shows what type of person he is.

  2. His response was made public quickly. It left so time for the media and public to scrutinize and make up stories of their own. Immediately, Phelps took responsibility for his actions and ended the discussion.

    Well done!
