
Friday, June 19, 2009

Bad Pitch Blog: Tips for Twitter Pitching

Quoted straight from the always-entertaining Bad Pitch Blog, four tips to utilize Twitter to your advantage when pitching:

1) Brevity. More effective writing translates into a lower word count...A three paragraph pitch (or less) should be enough for you to get your point across.

2) Links. Links point to an image, or an article, that payoff your tweets. Why aren’t you using more links, and fewer words, in your pitches? And URL shortening services allow you to track who’s clicking through.

3) Value. Consider the “law of thirds” when you tweet. You broadcast content, you converse with others and you serve up links of value. These links are not self-serving or pointing to your company website. That sounds a lot like becoming a source for a reporter, no?

4) Always On. Twitter follows you everywhere....So why are you giving these same media your desk phone number…in that pitch you sent right before leaving for lunch, or for the day, or for the week? If a reporter wants to contact you, they should be able to do so. Give them the best way to contact you so you can be responsive.

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