
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Getting Ready for Back to School

I know that the words "back to school" may send shivers down our spines, but the truth is it's coming. I didn't realize how close school was to starting until I was working in the kids section at GAP, and mothers were coming in looking for uniform pants, shirts and backpacks. This realization sent my mind into a frenzy that I haven't experienced since final exams in Rome in early July.

I started thinking about moving into my new apartment, my new fall job, and oh yes, classes. This summer I didn't work at an internship, PRowl Public Relations took a summer break, and I studied abroad in Italy. The combination of these three things have left me feeling a little disconnected from PR and school in general, and I must not be the only one! Here are a few easy things that I'm going to do for the rest of the summer to get my mind back on track for a great year of PRowl Public Relations, classes, and internships.
  • READ MORE! Since summer began, I've been slacking on my reading. I read the NY Times headlines and, but I'm going to start reading through blogs and other publications again.
  • WRITE MORE! I wrote in a journal while I was in Rome, but I haven't been doing much writing ever since. Everyone always says that as PR majors we should be writing constantly, and it's something I need to get back into!
  • BE AWARE OF AVAILABLE INTERNSHIPS! Diane Johnson and Amanda Bednar do an excellent job of sending everyone on the StOC listserv all available internships. Even though I already have an internship for the fall, it's a good idea to read through the listings anyway. It's always good to know who is looking for help, and what opportunities are out there. If you're not on the StOC listerv, you need to be. E-mail or to be put on the StOC listserv!
  • ENJOY the last few weeks of the summer, and try to be ready to hit the ground running come August 31!

These are just a couple things I'm going to do before school starts so I won't feel so unprepared for my senior year. Does anyone have other tips that could be useful for back to school? We'd love to hear them!

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