
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Creating an Inspiring and Productive Work Space

Let’s focus on a fun, frivolous luxury that we never talk about anymore—decorating. I have to admit I am addicted to furniture and decorating stores like West Elm, Crate & Barrel, and even Pottery Barn. Usually, I dream up my perfect living room, bedroom, and kitchen while looking through the catalogs or websites, but lately I’ve been mentally designing my future office space.

Thinking forward a few years, I know my office is going to be the first thing my colleagues and clients see, so it will be just another way to present myself. Unfortunately, all I have to work with now is my desk area in my bedroom, but that didn’t stop me from creating a work space that will keep me energized, entertained, and efficient—and now, I’m loving the look. Here are a few tips I picked up along the long road of organization:

  • Desk Talk

    If you’re a pack rat like me, you’ve got a lot of items in and on your desk. Make sure you look at those items with a critical eye and toss what you don’t need. In terms of papers you can’t throw out, storage boxes and magazine holders are great for keeping files, and look chic in a bookcase. Also, they come in a wide variety of colors and fabrics.

  • DIY Whenever You Can

    I am very lazy when it comes to doing things myself; I’d much rather buy whatever it is I need, but along with the rest of the country, I am no longer able to do that. It came out great anyway, and I’m proud of myself for thinking outside of the box, and you will be, too. I turned my boring pencil holder into a pretty printed one with the help of fabric and glue; I gave my scattered paper clips and pins a new home in an ice cube tray; and I gave my chair cushion a little love with a brand new cover (that I had sewn myself!). Imagine what you can do with what you have.

  • Make Your To Do’s Funky and Fabulous

    To help make your tasks seem a little more enjoyable, write in vibrant colors (and I don’t mean red), buy funky stationary and tablets, or, my personal favorite: cork boards and chalkboards. I think a chalk board is necessary to keep on hand while brainstorming, because you can then transfer your good ideas to your cork board and completely forget about the bad ones. If you want to give your cork board an updated look, you can staple fabric over the board, or buy the wild animal print boards that are popular at Target.

  • Wall Art

    Fill your work space with inspirational art, family pictures, quotes—whatever makes you feel at home! Remember, your office is your home away from home, and while work is the most important thing to be done there, you’ll want to feel comfortable.

Here are some websites, blogs, and magazines that I find useful in decorating (and entertaining!): (Magazine, Website) (Great entertaining site) (Website for all of your office needs!) (Blog about office style)

This guest blog was written by PRowl Public Relations staff member Ashley Kraynak.

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