
Thursday, September 10, 2009


The other day I was browsing the podcasts on itunes after downloading a few episodes from a particular show for one of my classes. I found myself finding podcasts about subjects I really enjoyed and others which I felt would be really helpful. Most of the podcasts are about 5 to 15 minutes long on average. Though, itunes isn't the only place to listen to podcasts, its a good place to start. So take a look around and see what interests you.

Though there are tons of podcasts to listen to, here are some I think are not only interesting but offer great tips and useful information!

Grammar Girls offers quick tips to improve your writing.
I really like this podcast, it's one of my favorites! Listen to episode 175 The AP says I Tweet, which discusses the AP Style Manual's appropriate grammar of Twitter.

The New York Times has numerous podcast stations, check out the latest technology news with TECH TALK, or the headlines with FRONT PAGE, or the latest on BOOK REVIEWS.

Accidental Creative is one I've listend to as well, which interviews personalities and discusses practices about how to stay creative in a "create-on-demand" world.

What are your favorite podcasts about?

Even Oprah has a podcast station on itunes!

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