
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Creating an Internal Newsletter

Public relations is about more than efficiently and effectively reaching the media. Internal public relations is an integral part of the field. As Public Relations Committee Head of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity here on Temple's campus, I decided to start a newsletter for our chapter. A newsletter should boost morale and provide useful information to those receiving the newsletter.

The first decision to make is who the audience of the newsletter will be. The Phi Sigma Pi newsletter that I am creating will be sent to Brothers of the fraternity, alumni, and maybe even parents.

Another decision to make is the layout of the newsletter. If you have graphic design skills, creating a layout on a computer program should be easy. For those who do not have these design skills, there are other options. I will be using Microsoft Program Manager, which has pre-made layouts.

The last thing to consider is the content of the layout. What will be beneficial to the audience? Make sure the information is relevant to the readers but also interesting. Some of the features that I would like to include in the Phi Sigma Pi newsletter are profiles on alumni and Brothers, as well as information on upcoming events. Not every member can attend all of the events, so members may be interested in having a recap of past events from a Brother's perspective. Also, a letter from the president is a good opening to the newsletter.

It is important to keep in mind that a newsletter must be relevant to the audience. Newsletters can include anything you want, so be creative!

This guest blog was written by PRowl Public Relations staff member, Evan Nicholson.

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