
Thursday, December 24, 2009

BlackBerry Service Down

Many of us here at PRowl Public Relations, like the majority of the business world out there, use BlackBerry smartphones. I'm sure you've already either experienced or heard about the service failure this past Tuesday night. Check out this New York Times article about the subject here.

A lot of talk has been going on scrutinizing BlackBerry, which is based in Ontario, for their lack of response to the service interruption. Apparently it occurred as a result of a software upgrade, affecting both North and South America, but this isn't the first time either. This particular article includes examples of how many people rely on their smartphone device as crucial tools to their successful businesses. Failure to be able to communicate can seriously hurt these business professionals; Blackberry's service failure could potentially cause problems or cost them a great deal of money. So the question everyone is asking is... Will BlackBerry users grow tired of a sometimes unreliable service provider and adopt the popular iPhone instead?

What do you think BlackBerry needs to do to keep their clientele? BlackBerry users seem to have been very loyal in the past, but what might cause them to make the switch to a different smartphone?

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