
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Do These Scare You?

While reading Ragan's Daily Headlines on Monday I came across this article. The title is "10 things clients say that scare PR pros" and I thought it would be fun to check it out. The article says that the list may be funny to PR pros, and that business and non-profit pros should think before they say things like this to their PR consultants. It also talks a little bit about the relationship that exists between a client and their PR team. It takes some times for a client to get used to working with a new PR consultant, and they should keep in mind that the consultant will take the steps needed to try to get great media coverage.

Here is part of the list:

1. I want to be on “Oprah.”
2. I wrote a press release once in college.
3. How much will it cost to get my press release printed?
4. I want to get publicity but I don’t like to talk to those pushy reporters—I was once misquoted.
5. I know your PR ideas will make me money, but I’m on a very tight budget.

Want to see the other five? Check out the article here!

Has anyone ever been told something like this by a client? Let us know how you handled it!

(Information taken from Susan Young's article on

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