
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Nothing to Do Over Winter Break?

Are you looking for something to do over winter break? The break between the fall and the spring semester is an awkward length of time, and it is hard to find an internship for winter break. If you are looking for something to do during the holidays, try volunteering at local non-profits. Non-profits would most likely appreciate help during the holiday season. Volunteering at non-profits is perfect for the short period of time between the two semesters.

What are you interested in? Think of any non-profits in your area that may incorporate some of your interests. I looked into non-profits that integrate arts, entertainment and culture, such as the Philadelphia Film Society and the Mann Center. If you can’t think of any specific organization you would like to work for, search on the Internet for non-profits in the area. There are websites that provide descriptions of local non-profits and specific contacts within the organization.

If you are interested in specific communications work, then look on the non-profit’s website for a contact in the communications department. Call or e-mail the person and inquire whether or not the organization would need any volunteers during winter break. Keep looking if one organization does not need help. There are many non-profits that will need help.

This is a productive way to spend your winter break and a great way to boost your resume!

This guest blog was written by PRowl Public Relations staff member, Evan Nicholson.

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