
Monday, January 25, 2010

Be a PR "Magnet"!

Today, the blog e-releases released a list of seven habits of a highly effective PR magnet. What exactly is a "PR magnet?" "They're the people who always seem to be successful in getting major media coverage for their clients," e-releases explains.

What do they do?

  1. They use the "leaky-faucet" approach to PR, meaning that they steadily release newsworthy releases over time.
  2. They find creative angles for stories.
  3. They're well organized.
  4. They can multitask and think on their feet.
  5. They know the media inside and out.
  6. They're persistent but also know when to back down.
  7. They set goals and measure results.
Be sure to check out the full post for more details!

Which of these habits have you mastered, and which do you need to focus on more?

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