
Monday, February 22, 2010

Do you violate these rules on your blog?

As future public relations professionals, we must understand the laws and regulations around which we must function--our personal and professional credibility depends on it, as does our client's reputation!

I recently came across a great post on the blog, "Blogging Tips," in which Jonathan Bailey explains five "copyright facts every blogger should know."

"Not only are you constantly creating new copyrighted works while making your blog but, most likely, you are integrating other’s works into your site [as I am doing here!]," Bailey said. Failure to understand copyright laws, he explained, "can both limit your rights to control your own work and cause you to be threatened or sued by others."

Here are Bailey's words to the wise:
  1. If it's saved, it's copyrighted.
  2. There is no set rule governing fair use.
  3. Aside from attributing another's work, you must also get their permission to use it.
  4. Names and ideas cannot be copyrighted.
  5. You cannot create a new piece of work by simply changing some of someone else's work.
Be sure to check out Bailey's post for more details and to make sure you avoid violating these important rules!

You can also find Bailey on Twitter and Facebook for more information.

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