
Thursday, August 26, 2010


They say "it's a small world," and rightfully so for Google employees and ex-employees. The technology and Internet industry seems to be an incestuous relationship, but in the best of ways. Check out this article about Xooglers (former employees of Google), as they are referred to, and their start-up ventures. As mentioned, there are about 10,000 Google employees worldwide and with that comes those that no longer work for the mega-company, who eventually embark on various projects with great potential for success. The most interesting thing about the programs and companies created is that many of them are purchased by Google. In fact, often times these Xooglers return to Google to further test and tweak what they created. Reading about these 15 Xooglers and their start-ups, its interesting to consider what influence these people have had on social media, the Internet and computer programming in general. They have already played such a transforming role and continue to do so with all the new ideas. Google certainly is on the forefront of technological advances.

I can't wait to know what we'll all be sinking our teeth into in the near future with all that Google has to offer. Any guesses on what's to come?

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