
Monday, January 24, 2011

Defining PR

Public Relations is a subject that interests me vastly, an industry to which I am a dedicated student, a field in which I one day hope to work.

It's also a topic that's difficult to put into words. In fact, whenever I meet someone who asks me to explain the PR industry, I find myself challenged to describe the industry concisely. PRSA has provided a simple definition of PR on its website, but even this major professional organization devotes an entire page to fully defining PR.

Ronnie Manning from the blog "Fresh As..." recently published a post sharing his peers' definitions of PR using 140 characters or less. Check out the post and see the definitions that were submitted. I really liked Jason Mudd's: "telling your story and sharing your news with internal and external audiences to build trust and ties." Laura Crovo's was also very tight.

This blog post inspired me to work on my own definition of PR. How do you define public relations?

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