
Monday, September 12, 2011

Prioritizing Perfection

Being in the Public Relations field, its hard to swallow that sometimes perfect isn't always the best. Whether we're writing a press release, a blog post, or an e-mail blast, we want every word to come across precisely the way we want it to, without any disconnect. But is it worth it to spend all that time deciding whether to use this or that word, when you could be making better use of your creativity and time? Below are some pointers on prioritizing your professional life:
  • Quantify the improvement likely to come from your efforts-Think about it like a ratio, say 5:1. If you put five hours into a project to get one product, then you're wasting a lot of time for a minimal result. That time could be put in another place where you would get more of a result, which is where prioritizing comes in.

  • Get fresh eyes on the situation-You may think that you will do the best job on your project, and that may be true, but it never hurts to get a second opinion. Something you have missed may have so minute that you couldn't possibly have noticed it, but if another person came around and took a glance, they would be able to pinpoint it in seconds. They will provide you with a different outlook on your project that will undoubtedly be in your favor.

  • Start in the middle-I connect this to writing blogs. Sometimes the hardest part of writing is starting. Instead of wasting time pondering over the title, I'll push it aside and just delve into the topic. That way you get the bulk of the work over with and have a better idea of how to introduce it.

  • Set small goals-Its easy to get overwhelmed by all of the work you have to do. Set small goals throughout the day, like spending 2 hours on your paper without any distractions, and in no time, you'll be finished!
Do you have a hard time delegating? How do you get through 'Prioritizing Perfection'? Let us know!

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