
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Free Ways to Monitor Your Twitter

It almost goes without saying that the Twitter world is rapidly expanding. The controversial media site has everything from celebrities to prestigious news outlets. As many of you follow trends on Twitter and participate in chats, have you ever wondered how you are viewed in the Twitter world?  Are people searching for you? How do you monitor your personal brand or even a client’s brand, on Twitter? provides 5 FREE, that’s right free, sites to help you monitor your brand on Twitter.

Twilert- Similar to Google Alert, Twilert will notify you via email if you are searched. I scheduled to receive an email every day at 2 p.m.  So, if I am searched, mentioned, or my name is used I will be notified.
Kurrently- This is a really great site if you are monitoring a trend in real time. You simply put in the search bar what you would like to monitor and you can see what people are saying about a trend or even a client. I typed in the search box, “PRowlPR” and results dating back to this past week appeared, along with a conversation users were having about Prowl in real time.
Monitter- Similar to Kurrently, Monitter allows you to see multiple searches simultaneously. For example, I searched Prowl’s clients, @JeanMadeline and @JeanMadelineIns. I was able to see their twitters side by side and could see if the different audiences were discussing the same thing.

Twitter Search- An oldie but goodie, your Twitter search box can be more useful than you think.
Twendz- This very cool site, Twendez, monitors your Twitter and provides a monthly analytic report complete with volume, frequency, velocity, emotions, and conversation. Twendz provides you with a Word Cloud with the most frequented words used for that month.  You can find a monthly sample here.

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