
Monday, January 30, 2012

Will Brands Follow the Timeline Switch?

Last Tuesday, Facebook announced that all individual users will soon be automatically switched over to the Timeline layout, if they haven't already made the change. Facebook first introduced the layout as a way for users to visually tell the story of their lives. But while individual pages are switching, brand pages are not safe for long.

On one hand, brands will soon be able to project their name across screens, thanks to the new layout, making it easily recognizable. On the other hand, push-driven posts will no longer be effective. Part of the whole purpose of Timeline is to make pages more visual, communicating through photos rather than words. This won't be a problem for companies with physical products, but for those that are selling virtual products, advertising through images will prove to be challenging.

However, with this innovative concept of communicating through images, eligible brands will enjoy the perks of being able to create a direct call to action. Instead of strictly push-driven posts, companies will now be able to reach larger audiences by coupling relevant photos with status updates.

Do you see Facebook switching brands to Timeline? Will it be effective? Let us know!

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