
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Here Come the Summer...Internships!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been looking forward to the summer. Long sunny days, time with the family, no classes, and most important…. summer internships! Why do an internship when you can lie on the beach all day? Well, internships have invaluable experience and connections that cannot be learned in a classroom. You’ll most likely have the weekends off, so that can make your beach trip that much more enjoyable! Getting an internship will be the best way to keep your mind active and give you new material to juice up your resume. I’ve been on the summer internship hunt for about a month now, and the applying process has begun for many. But for those who are not sure where to start, here is some tips that I have picked up along the way:

-Start by researching various positions already posted, and look up your dream firms/companies now! Make a list in a Word document or write it down. Whatever way you choose, keep it organized and keep your links.
-Find at least 10 companies or positions. Summer is THE time for internships and thousands of students are going for your spot.
-Make note of any deadlines posted within the descriptions.
-Get your materials together and update them i.e. resume, cover letter, letters of recommendation (if needed).

Early March
-If you haven’t by now…start applying! Keep track of all the internships you have applied to, doing so will make sure you have not applied twice.

Late March
-Unless they have specified to NOT call, do follow-up by calling. If anything, send an e-mail. All you have to say is “Hi my name is ____ , I e-mailed my resume to ______ a few weeks ago and wanted to follow-up to make sure they’ve received it”.

Last Minutes:
-Companies, firms, and organizations still post internship positions right before and even during the summer season. These positions might not be the cream of the crop, or at the top of your list but…the early bird gets the juiciest worm, correct?

-Big companies usually have early deadlines; they might have even passed by now, but make sure to look!
-Always, always, always get another pair of eyes to look at your resume and cover letter!
-You will most likely be notified by mid-April if not before.
-Don’t limit yourself to paid internships (though they are nice) a good experience is the most important.

This guest blog was written by PRowl Public Relations staff member Katherine Carpenter.

1 comment:

  1. I think that these are some great tips to remember when looking for internships. The most important tip is to not get discouraged.

    Another good tip that I have received is to not limit yourself to one type of company. When I first started looking for internships I remember looking for PR firms that I would like to work for someday. Then an associate told me to look for internships in all places that have a public relations department which expanded my search a lot. I then looked at advertising agencies, hospitals, record labels, radio stations and so much more.

    Remember more options means you have a better chance at getting picked for at least one of them.
