
Friday, February 17, 2012

The "How to Land a Job" 2012 Checklist

For those of us graduating this May, the panic attacks have set in and the job search has begun. While I spent the first few days aimlessly clicking around job posting sites, applying for a few interesting positions here and there, I felt hopeless knowing my resume was one of hundreds, possibly even thousands. While the economy is slowly recovering, the job market is still pretty tough, which is why I found this post from Corn On the Job incredibly useful with its list of "Ten Things Job Seekers Must Do in 2012." Here are a few of my personal favorites:

2. Stop Applying to Every Job: Applying to every single thing you see is the wrong approach. It’s easy for recruiters to tell that you are just taking a stab in the dark. When you’re passionate about a job and/0r determined to gain a position in a specific field/industry, it shines through like you wouldn’t believe. Focus in on a few specific job types to apply to. --- I already know the type of job I'm hoping to find and therefore, when I conduct job searches, I know the keywords I need to use. My passions are animals, events, nonprofits and travel. I know there are things I don't like as well, and therefore I know I'm not going to apply to a giant corporation or take a job in the mid-west.

4. Learn a new skill: Find a class or certification that’s relatively inexpensive. While learning something new, you’ll end up boosting your resume and meeting new people that could potentially help you find a job. --- Personally, I have always been interested in learning more about web and graphic design. Through personal instruction and a free seminar, I plan to familiarize myself with a few programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Quark Express.

8. Blog: Social Media usage has seen tremendous increases across all demographics over the last few years. More than ever, company recruiters are utilizing social networks to connect with and also learn about job seekers. "Hire Me" campaigns were huge in 2011. Starting a blog for your industry will help you make tons of connections, while also furthering yourself as a thought leader. --- I know from personal experience this has worked for a few of my friends in the past. I still find it impressive that one of my friends landed her first job out of college as a result of Twitter. Social media is a great tool for building your network of professionals, so use it to its full potential.

To read the other seven job-searching tips, visit the Corn On the Job post here.
What other suggestions do you have to offer for upcoming graduates in search of a job? Let us know!

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