
Monday, May 28, 2012

Downsizing Your Boilerplate

Let's cut to the chase, PR pros love to ham it up in the boilerplate area. It's the place where we can push in all of the not-so-newsworthy info about our client. But by doing so, are we doing more harm than good? Below are 3 reasons your boilerplate should be shorter.

  1. It costs less: I didn't actually think about this, but some press release distribution websites like Business Wire charge an additional fee for releases over 400 words. If you're in a crunch to get under the word limit, nix the fluff and just make sure you have all the facts and specifics in the release to give you the best chance of gaining coverage for your client. 
  2. It's what journalists want: Remember that it's one of our goals to give journalists no reason to have to go back and change anything in our story. Journalists see numerous press releases every day, so it's understandable that they won't want to read long releases. Cutting down on your boilerplate will do the trick, without having to downsize on the rest of the body of your release.
  3. It looks too corporate: It's a finicky world out there, if your press release looks unprofessional and messy, then no one will pick up your story. But if your release is too straight-laced and corporate-looking, then people won't believe that your story isn't just a needle in a haystack. Cut to the chase with the basics of your client to ensure the overall meaning of your press release. 
Do you know of any other benefits to shortening your boilerplate? Let us know!

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