
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Why Start a Blog?

In this digital-age, everyone has a blog. Blogs come in different styles, types and formats. As a hopeful PR professional, a blog can help jump start your career. While they take time and dedication, the end result is well worth it. Here are a few benefits to launching your own blog. 
  • Writing Examples: As long as your blog showcases a professional writing style, your personal blog can be used when applying to jobs and internships as writing samples. Choose the posts that have the most views or comments and it will be sure to impress your employer. 
  • Showing Knowledge: Your blog should discuss a topic or multiple topics that you are knowledgeable of and have experienced. If you aren’t familiar with the topic, be sure to include research to prove your points. 
  • Building Relationships: Blogs help bring like people together. If you’ve met someone who blogs, build a relationship with them and learn from each other. Blogger friends can help increase website traffic and connect you to other opportunities in the business. 
  • Resume Enhancer:  Blogging looks great on a resume. Most employers are attracted to candidates who blog and are digital-savvy. Make sure you discuss your blog when talking to other professionals in the industry. 
This guest blog post was written by PRowl Public Relations staff member Andrea Jordan

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