
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Brainstorming Made Easy

One of my favorite aspects of PR is the creative side, where you get to really map out fresh innovative ideas for new and exciting projects. Whenever taking on a new client, it is likely that you will have to brainstorm ideas and tactics to help the clients meet its goals. This may seem like a piece of cake, but in reality, brainstorming can get a bit tricky. Especially when you are trying to collaborate thoughts within a team.

Clients are looking for you to come up with ideas that are even more outrageous and creative than the ones they could come with on their own - that's why they hired you! When brainstorming new ideas for a client, keep these tips in mind to stay focused on task and yield great results:

Start General - When thinking up fresh ideas, start with general phrases and thoughts and then narrow things down. Something may be too broad to attempt to execute, but it may spark an idea for something else. You also never know when a client will be more drawn to a bigger, more outrageous idea.

Write Everything Down - The power of word association is not one to be doubted. Write down any word or phrase that comes to mind. Seeing the words on paper makes it easier to trigger new thoughts which may prove useful.

Fill in Missing Links - What is your client lacking or asking you to bring to the table? Write that down, and use that to spark new thoughts. It's your job to help the client make up for the areas it lacks in.

Forget the Budget - This may sound like PR suicide, but while you're brainstorming the one thing that will prevent your creative juices from flowing is constantly considering numbers. Since you are starting with general ideas anyway, as you narrow your list down you will be able to more realistically consider the client's budget. You never know, one of your more extravagant ideas may inspire the client to reconsider their funding options!

What tips do you have to brainstorm effectively? Let us know!

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