
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Protecting Your Online Reputation

You may think just having an online presence is the first step to internet acceptance, but that is far from the truth. Your online reputation can be defined as how people generally judge your online character or the quality of your online presence. Online reputations don't only apply to large companies and big name brands, each individual has an online reputation as well. As public relations professionals, it is important that we know all of the factors that impact an online reputation to protect our clients as well as our personal brands. Below are 4 factors that impact your online reputation:

1. Company Website/Personal Blog: A blog or website is usually the public's first encounter with a brand. If a blog or website is unorganized, hard to read, and not aesthetically pleasing, visitors are not likely to continue to visit.

2. Social Media Profiles: It's great to use social media, but it's even better to use it the right way. Make sure all of your profiles are professional, relevant, and appropriate. All profiles, personal, professional, or for clients, should always have up-to-date contact information. A large part of the profile is your user name, which should be easy to remember and for others to search and find.

3. Social Media Updates: Even if your profile is perfect, if the content is lacking little progress will be made. Be sure to post updates consistently. Keep them relevant and make sure the content is aimed at your target audience. Use proper grammar and spelling before posting - proofreading counts everywhere!

4. Comments and Responses: If you have a website or blog a great way to interact with followers and readers is through comments. If you receive a comment, positive or negative, it is important to respond back politely. Always answer a readers questions, and if you can't answer the question direct them to where they can find the information. Always keep the line of communication open.

Do you think you have a good online reputation?

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