
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Aesthetics Of Blogging

First and foremost, Happy New Year! Welcome to 2013 on the PRowl blog, we are all excited for a new year!

Blogging has become one of the most popular forms of online expression next to social media sites. With so many blogging platforms, the more popular being Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr and Typepad, starting a blog is as easy as making a few clicks and typing out some paragraphs. Yes, anyone can start a blog, but it takes a more savvy and dedicated person to maintain a blog and keep a decent following.

While content is definitely the number one concern of bloggers, the design and lay out of a blog can often be a deciding factor on whether or not readers will visit again. Browsing blogs online should be a fun, relaxing, enjoyable thing. The design of a blog speaks volumes about the blogger as well, and plays a huge part in how you brand yourself to the blogosphere. Here are some things to keep in mind when designing a blog, whether you are doing it yourself of hiring someone else!

  • Keep it readable - No matter how fun your design is, if it makes it impossible for readers to actually read your content, it's a no go. Black or grey text on a white background is usually a winner. Avoid putting text in bright colors with contrasting, as that is often difficult to read. See, this is a rough read, right?
  • Easy navigation - Be sure your readers are able to find what they are looking for! You can do this by using headers in larger fonts (like the title of our blog posts) and labeling important sections. It is often helpful to make links a separate (yet readable) color from the standard text. A search bar is also a nice feature so that readers can find what they need quickly.
  • Show some personality - If you have a tagline or slogan that you are using to describe or brand yourself, include it! You want to show off who you are so that the readers can build a relationship with you. Including a photo of yourself helps with that as well.
  • Less is more - Don't try to fit every one of your posts on the first page of your blog. That's a huge no no. Limit yourself to 5-8 posts, depending on personal preference and the layout of your blog. Include links below the last post that will allow users to navigate to older posts if they wish to.
What are some of the design elements of your favorite blogs? Share them with us, and we'll post what you say to our social media to share with other bloggers and future bloggers!

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