
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Finding a Place for Fitness

When you're working long hours and trying to clear as many items off of your to-do list as possible, working out can often be put on the back burner. Public relations has been named, numerous times, as one of the most stressful professions. Having a regular workout routine can help to alleviate some of that stress, and get endorphines running through your body. If you're having trouble fitting a workout around your busy work schedule, try following this cubicle workout from Fitness Blender:

  • Run/jog in place, or walk a few laps around your workplace for 2-3 minutes as a warm-up
  • 15 Glute Squeezes – Sitting straight in your chair with your feet flat on the floor, contract your glutes and hold for 2-3 seconds so that you raise up a bit in your chair before relaxing muscles.
  • 15 Arm Circles in each direction – Extend arms and make small clockwise circles with your fingertips. Switch directions to repeat circles counterclockwise.
  • 15 Abdominal Contractions – Sit in your chair with a straight back and pull your belly button in towards your spine. Hold for 5 seconds for each repetition. 
  • 15 Seated Tricep Dips – Scoot to the edge of your chair and support your bodyweight with your fingers hanging over the edge of the seat. Lower your body weight, keeping elbows tucked into sides. Make sure to choose a chair without wheels for this office exercise!
  • 15 Squats – This is an easy way to bump up your calorie burn and tone glutes and thighs in an office workout when you are limited on space.
  • 15 Wall Push Ups – To tone your chest with an office exercise routine, do push ups against the wall (you can do regular push ups if you’re not in a dress and/or have enough space).
  • 15 Toe Raises – A great move for cubicle routines, these allow you to tone the calves without breaking a sweat and with minimal room.
  • 15 Dumbbell or Resistance Band Curls – Keep dumbbells or exercise bands handy at your desk and you will open up a wealth of different office exercises and toning moves that require very little space. See Fitness Blender’s exercise library for more upper body toning ideas.
Doing this cubicle workout a few days a week, along with avoiding take-out lunches, could yield serious results before you know it! If this workout isn't quite your style, see if this 32 minute chair workout works best for you.

Have you found a way to get your workout in while you're at work? If so, please share!

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