
Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Internet Never Forgets

While social media can be an extremely beneficial tool for networking and reconnecting with others, I can’t help but think of the possible negative implications of making ourselves so visible online through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to name a few. One of the wisest (and perhaps most cynical) expressions I’ve heard is, “The Internet never forgets.”  I hear all the time that it is safe to assume that once something is posted online, it will be seen by somebody, and perhaps more alarmingly, could be seen by anybody.

Therefore, it is essential to use some helpful practices with our social media accounts such as using restraint and thinking things through before posting. In March of 2009, Dan Leone, a stadium operations employee for the Philadelphia Eagles was fired for voicing his opinions on Facebook regarding a trade the Eagles had made. This violates the rule of thinking about it before posting. If you work for the Eagles, perhaps posting a negative opinion about a decision the Eagles made is not the wisest of ideas. Using some restraint and a little bit of thought could have gone a long way for Dan Leone.

In the professional world today, social media has become almost expected in certain professions. Many professionals in the arts, entertainment, sports, and business industries use their Twitter account as a means for others to follow them and to connect. It may not be a poor choice to have separate Twitter or Facebook accounts for professional and personal purposes. The drawback for this strategy is that it can become tiresome to filter their thoughts through two accounts. If you find it too overwhelming to have separate accounts, simply remember the adage that the internet never forgets and be mindful and careful of what you post! Somebody, anybody can – and most likely will – see it.

This guest blog post was written by PRowl staff member Chris Krochak.

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