
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Keep Calm and Start the Year Right!

The start of the new school year is officially upon us. I know everyone is thinking the same thing, “Where did the summer go?!” Trust me, I feel your pain. However, let’s not let the end of summer deter us from a great school year! For us PR majors, it is important to make sure we take advantage of every opportunity the school year has to offer. Here are a few tips to ensure a great academic year without getting too overwhelmed:

        1.  Get Involved- Not only does joining a club look great on a resume, but meeting new people every year is such a rewarding experience. So, go out and find something that interests you. I promise it will be super beneficial in the long run.
2.     Stay Organized- Every PR person should have a planner. I would die without mine. Keep your schedule organized and neat so you never have an excuse for forgetting something.
3.     Eat and Sleep- I know it sounds cliché, but the busier you are the less important eat and sleep become. Make sure you are eating well balanced meals and maintaining an appropriate sleep schedule, you will be more productive.
4.     DON’T STRESS- A new school year can be a lot to handle for most people, but stay calm, relax, and don’t let yourself become stressed. If you follow the prior tips, you’ll have the best school year to date! 

This guest blog post was written by PRowl Staff Member Kelly Dougherty.

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