
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Twitter: Then and Now

What has Twitter become today? A site that started out as just another place to post ideas and thoughts has evolved into something so much more.

Twitter has evolved into a resource that many corporations use. This involvement is not solely on company promotion, but job application as well. Yes, that is correct, Twitter has now become a tool used by many to find jobs in their area of expertise.

This social networking site has the capability to target special interests to help users find companies who focus on a specific area. Start following corporations and a job posting just might appear. Social networking is how the younger generation communicates, and these companies had to flow with the change. If companies want to reach this technology-driven generation, then they must communicate with them in a new, more unique way, and Twitter provides this resource.

Social networking sites gain new users each day. Who knew that in the year 2013 we would be able to use such a simple tool to decide the rest of our future? The technology is greatly upon us; there is no going back there is only adapting with the times and changing the ways we communicate as professionals.

Have you found a job through Twitter? Comment and tell us about your experience.

This guest blog post was written by PRowl Staff Member Alie Curran.

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