
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Perfect Match: PRSSANC Student-Run Firm Workshop

The count down to the PRSSA National Conference is officially in the single digits and I couldn't be more excited.  I'm looking forward to meeting other eager PR students and industry professionals and obviously I'm beyond thrilled about the Gatsby-themed welcome night celebration, but I'm also really excited about the workshops and lectures that I'm going to attend. One that I'm particularly interested (and I'm sure you can guess why) is the student-run firm workshop.

The workshop is slated to provide information about all aspects of a student-run firm.  Here are some highlights listed in the brochure for national conference:

  • Attendees will hear from a panel of current firm directors, PRSA representatives, and Nationally Affiliated firm directors
  • Topics will range from how to start a student-run firm to how to apply for national affiliation
  • Another crucial topic of discussion about how to build your firms relationship with PRSA
I think my excitement is understandable.

Which PRSSANC workshop or event are you most looking forward to?

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