
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Temple University President Neil Theobald Proves To Have Strong Public Relations

Since his induction in January of 2013 Dr. Neil Theobald has demonstrated excellent public relations. He has pledged to help finance higher education and reduce student debt at Temple University. In recent weeks Theobald has gone on PCN-TV to discuss his campaign, “Financing Higher Education and Student Loan Debt”. The president is aware that the students of Temple University are his primary public and he aims to serve us to the best of his ability.

In an interview with Temple University News the president discussed his values as president. “People have such a positive vision of this university and what it can be. I love to stop, chat and learn students’ priorities and what we can do better. That’s always my primary question. Any suggestions they have, I want to talk to students,” said the president.  Neil Theobald has also decided to reach out to students by teaching a course here at Temple University.

As president of the university, Dr. Theobald has displayed strong public relations tactics. He is aware of whom his target audience is and what needs to be done to improve relations with our community. Student debt is one of the greatest problems with our university and Dr. Theobald’s primary objective is to battle that issue. He has been transparent in discussing his objectives as a leader. Transparency is a quality all public relations practitioners should strive to acquire.

Dr. Theobald has revealed that one of his main goals as president is to build trust with his students by offering feedback and assistance. The president strives to have a mutually beneficial relationship with our community and shows admirable public relations as president of our university.

This guest blog post was written by PRowl Staff Member Ben Coleman.

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