
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Above All, Love What You Do

If you were to picture your perfect future, what would it be?
These are just a few things that might come to mind.

In my perfect future, I spend every day doing a job that I LOVE to do. Whether it's 9-5 or 24/7, as long as I truly enjoy what I'm doing I know I'll be happy and successful. I'm one of the lucky people who has never doubted their major. I've had PR in my heart since before I even came to college and that never changed. Now, as I email every person under the sun about a full-time job, that still stands true.

Spending the past three years with PRowl Public Relations has only solidified by passion for PR, and I couldn't be more grateful for that. It has everything to do with the fact that I was a sophomore in college working with real clients and being thrown into work that entry-level employees do. I love to be challenged. It has everything to do with being surrounded by people who love public relations as much as I do. It's been the perfect environment for myself and my peers to grow in.

Millions of dollars would be nice. A big house with nice cars and acres of land, endless vacations to tropical places, the whole nine yards. I think that's what most people are aiming for. I choose happiness and I choose to wake up every day knowing that I will be doing something that I'm passionate about.

That's my one piece of advice, to everyone: above all, love what you do.

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