
Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to Succeed as a PRowl Account Executive

This year I took on the leadership role of account executive, leading a group of five PRowl account members. Before taking on this role, I had no idea what to expect, other than it would be a lot of work.

Now, with new leaders on the rise, I’m writing to share my insights on how to be a successful account executive and enjoy every minute of it.

1. Set Goals: Brainstorming your goals for you and your team are key in your account’s success. It’s important to know what each of your account members’ goals are so you can help them achieve them throughout the year.

2. Have a Plan: Being prepared goes a long way, especially when leading a team. Have an agenda and game plan in mind so your team takes you and your plan seriously.

3. Be Personable: Your account members should feel comfortable coming to you with any problems, concerns, or advice in general. Be open with your team, and they will likewise be open with you. 

4. Be Honest: As they say, honesty is the best policy! If you want your team to trust your judgment and overall decisions, you need to be honest with one another from the start.

5. Work with your AFD: Always keep in mind your Assistant Firm Director is there for you. My AFD was always someone I was able to call if I was stressed, confused or just wanted to talk in general. 

I am happy to say, after a long year, I will be taking on the role of an account executive again and I could not be more excited!

Have you ever thought of becoming an account executive or leader in PRowl?  

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