
Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Best Way to Successfully Negotiate A Salary

You just applied, interviewed, and were offered a new position that you couldn’t be more excited about. But after taking a look at the current salary offered, you decide that it may be in your best interest to try and ask for a little bit more.  

However, negotiating a salary can be a difficult and sometimes nerve-wracking task.  Negotiating or “bargaining” as it’s sometimes called, is not a skill that comes easy to many individuals. Those just starting off in a new position may feel like it is not appropriate, but in actuality it’s important to negotiate a little as it can be an opportunity to show your employer what you’re made of. Also, if you feel like your abilities do not reflect the amount you are being paid, there is no harm in having this type of conversation. Just be aware that if you decide to move forward with this to keep in mind the saying of “putting your money where your mouth is.” If you’re asking for more money, you better be able to back it up with those same skills.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and hold your own, remember that they came to you with an offer and you should not forget that! Use this negotiation time to shine, and prove that they made the right choice in hiring you.

To make sure you get what you deserve, here are a few vital tips to help prepare for the situation:

1)  Ask: Without asking you will get nowhere! Organize both your talking points and argument and go for it.

2) Do your research: Find out what others in your position make, talk to recruiters, and review similar job postings.

3) Know your worth: Be familiar with your own skills and if they exceed the job position you have been offered. If you know you can make a greater impact that is worth noting.

Good luck and let the negotiations begin! 

This guest blog post was written by PRowl Staff Member Jenna Stern.

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