
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Saying "I Do" to a Wedding Planning Internship

While studying public relations in the classroom, my interests always swayed towards event planning.  This summer I accepted an offer to intern with the company Something Blu Weddings and Events.  I had zero experience in wedding planning before this summer, but was ready to get my feet wet.  Although its only been about a month and a half since wedding bells starting ringing, I have compiled a list of little tips you should consider if you say “I do” to a wedding planning internship.

1.    Check the weather the day of.  The weather changes far too often not to make sure you have a couple umbrellas packed.  Maybe even five.  My first wedding with my internship, it down poured during the ceremony at the church. At one point, a couple of us were standing outside holding giant umbrellas over a convertible car the couple planned to drive off in. (Don’t worry, we had it covered both figuratively and literally).

2.     Do not rely on anyone else to get your job done.  The wedding planner is the one who crosses the T’s and dots the I’s. The last thing you want is a dinner table that should have eight guests and only having seven chairs.  Do not assume everything is done right, check and see it yourself. 

3.    Always keep your car clean. This one almost goes without saying, but you never know who will need to jump in the car with you.  It might even be the bride! 

4.  Stay calm!  Although sometimes wedding planning can be very stressful, never project that emotion in front your client.  One of the main purposes of your job is to make sure your client is stress and worry free.  So smile, take a deep breath, and get on with the show. 

The first wedding can leave an intern a little overwhelmed.  So after spending your hours making sure the client’s wedding is perfect, you deserve to relax and unwind.  For those of you who are of age, enjoy a nice glass of wine after your hard work.  The wedding may have stressed you out, but the amount of gratitude you will receive from the happy couple will surpass any challenging obstacle faced.

I am thrilled I went outside of my comfort zone and tried an internship that is challenging and something new.  Actually, I am thrilled I tried an internship that is Something Blu.

For more information on Something Blu Weddings and Events please visit: 

This guest blog was written by PRowl staff member Brittany Barish.

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