
Sunday, August 3, 2014

"Oh The Places You'll Go" With Public Relations

As every public relation student knows, as soon as they say they are majoring in PR, a series of almost standardized questions always seem to follow: “What to do you want to do?” and “Where do you want to work?”

However, because of the diversity that public relations can offer, these questions can be hard to answer. But, that is the great part about this major. While looking into internships this summer, I applied to all the go-to’s. I applied to different agencies and non-profit organizations that I always pictured myself working at eventually.

The internship I ended up taking was something I never even though of. This summer I interned for a solo-attorney in center city Philadelphia, who focuses on criminal defense and personal injury.
At first, I felt extremely out of place in this office populated by legal interns and paralegals. I didn’t think a public relations student like myself belonged in a law office. But, this was definitely not the case. Even though I worked in a law office, I spend my days doing typical public relations work like writing blogs, press releases and newsletters. However, I also learned a lot due to the fact that the assignments I was doing were very non-traditional. For example, writing blogs about different legal situations and solutions.

I never realized how much any and every company needs public relations specialists. For example, every company and organization needs to have a positive relationship with the public in order to be successful. Thus, a public relations specialist can basically work anywhere for a multitude of different types of companies.

So, when you’re thinking about “What do you want to do?” or “Where do you want to work?”, remember, the possibilities are endless.

Did you have any alternative public relations internships this summer? 

This guest blog post was written by PRowl staff member Emily Charles. 

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