
Saturday, October 4, 2014

It's Not You, It's Me

Almost everyone has experienced the infamous “it’s not you it’s me” break up phrase in one way or another. If you weren’t listening to these spoken words, odds are you were in fact the one breaking your soon-to-be ex’s heart. But why do we say phrases like this? Is it because we are uncomfortable with a situation or that we really just don’t know what to say?

As public relations professionals one of our jobs is to simply make things understandable to the public. Fancy lingo, fluffed up words and exaggerated statements tend to be favorite tactics for ways of communication in the English language. People will constantly use jargon filled slogans when they don’t really know what to exactly say or are unsure of a topic. PR professionals need to always uphold a knowledgeable image for their reputation and their clients.

Language is key in this industry. Public Relations professionals are known for their exceptional writing skills so it is important that we constantly monitor what we were are saying when we write. The types of words and phrases that should be avoided include:

  • Filler words such as "like" or "just" 
  • Jargon 
  • Make up words 
  • Excessive use of trending words that aren't really words 
  • Slang terms 
  • Swear words 

PR professionals are supposed to be reliable sources, so filling up press releases and media pitches with unflattering terms will not get anyone anywhere. However, a study from Grammarly reports that people with strong writing skills tend to earn more money. Get rid of the overused words and bring in a new collection of vibrant, new, and creative terms. If you can make more money simply by cleaning up your language, why wouldn’t you drop a few slang terms and run down phrases?  

This guest blog was written by PRowl staff member Alissa Steele. 

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