
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Political Branding and Its Influence On Voting

Earlier this week that time came around like clockwork – the polls were once again open to the public and Election Day commenced.

The months leading to the election, every candidate had his or her face plastered on our televisions through political advertisements and commercials; each contained a message, agenda and platform. Politicians are keen on using their “brand” in order to grow a connection with citizens and prospective voters…sound familiar? There’s a lot to learn from how election brands used their strategy to elect a winner.

 Early Bird Gets the Worm
A candidate who can instill their position and brand vision early on is more likely to gain a greater influence on the voters. No one wants to hear from a candidate that’s already been blasted by his opponent months into the campaign. Candidates who create a successful campaign brand focus on getting creative content on social media by promoting themselves in the community and build a strong support system where they know it’ll pay off.

Back to the Future
Throughout political history, campaign strategies have made it a point to grow with voters through the evolving media, the influence of their audience and the impulses of the election process. When we look back at past presidential elections, before Obama’s tweets and Reagan’s bumper stickers, the 1960’s race between Kennedy and Nixon called for politicians to take notice that a candidate’s brand isn’t just their ideologies but their way to the top.

Bleeding Red, White and Blue
Although we know logos and commercials aren’t foreign to campaign branding, the fervor to keep constant communication is the key to a powerful brand that can promote itself across a range of media outlets. We’ve all seen it. The aesthetically simple, bold lettered, navy and red layout that beckon each citizen to become a voter for a day. The strategy of a branding campaign is to win an election. No matter the personal politics, it’s an experience we all can be a part of. We choose a candidate that reflects our morals, beliefs, personality, and attitude…essentially we vote for their brand.

What appeals to you when seeing campaign ads?  Let us know in the comments! 

This guest blog post was written by PRowl staff member Sarah Diomande. 

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