
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How To Keep Your Summer Job Relevant

As PR students, the reality of summer is that whether you have a summer internship or not, you most likely have a summer job to supplement your unpaid internship or to keep yourself busy. Though you might think your summer job is unrelated to your PR education, here are some ways to keep your summer job relevant:

1. Be familiar with the product you are selling
Whether you’re working in retail or at a restaurant, its important to know the product you are selling. Just like with public relations, you have to know what you are endorsing before you do so. Customers will be able to tell if you don’t know your product, and better yet, they will appreciate it that much more when they know that you do. 

2. Practice exceptional customer service
No matter what your summer job may be, chances are you’ll have some sort of customer interaction. It’s a given that public relations is all about communicating, so practice the skills you’ve learning about communicating with publics and public speaking when dealing with customers. Not only will it give you practice, but it will also make you a valuable asset to your job. 

3. Try your hardest
If it seems like it might be stretching it to say that your summer job is relevant to your PR studies, that’s okay. Trying your hardest and having integrity at any job you do will make you a better employee as well as a better job candidate in the future. Even if your job is unrelated PR, a good personal recommendation from any boss is always valuable and important. 

Do you have a summer job and want to share how you keep it relevant? Let us know!

By Rute Barkai

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