
Friday, January 23, 2009

New Subject, Please!

I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get super bored with all the political/election coverage! Although we here at PRowl Public Relations realize the importance of discussing what's in the news (and looking at the last few weeks of posts, I'd say we covered it well), I think it's also time for a mindless post having nothing to do with current politics.

Today marks the end of Temple University students' first week of classes, and I hope all of your semesters have gotten off to a great start!

Are any readers enrolled in classes they may need some advice in? Leave a comment and we'll see if we, or another reader, may know something about it! Or, are you enrolled in a great class you want to shout to the world? Tell us about that too!

I personally think I'm going to love my Risk Management & Insurance class this semester (although it's not a communications class...) and I'm a little nervous about a course I'm taking that focuses on the analysis of social movements. Wish me luck!

We look forward to hearing from you and hope that your semester is a great one!

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