At Sunday dinners, I can usually predict the questions my
Poppop will ask me: ”How are your classes?” “Are any boys bothering you?” “You’re
not walking anywhere alone, right?” However, at our last family dinner, he
threw me a curve ball by asking, “So what exactly
is it that you do?” I had no response. An image I saw from a PR
daily article popped into my head.
Before I could respond, he asked “spin stuff?” My mouth
dropped open. My Poppop has been known to use four-letter words from time to
time, but I could not believe he used THIS four-letter word! I started rambling
off anything to make him believe PR is anything but spin. But looking back it
makes me wonder, is there a generation gap surrounding PR?
Of course in the picture above there is a big question mark
above “what my parents (and grandparents) think I do.” Being a veteran, my
Poppop thinks of PR as propaganda rallying for the World Wars and protesting
Vietnam. PR professionals were the ones “behind the scenes” to play up JFK’s
young, attractive image and use it against Nixon. He remembers them as the ones who “spun”
scandals to cover political leaders. Remember learning about the Watergate
scandal? How about Clinton’s famous lines “I did not have sexual relations with
that woman?”
How do people see PR now? Well, the Samantha Joneses of the
world would describe it as event planning, attending galas and getting your
client to appear at the hottest places. Just
take a look at “what my friends think I do.” Not to mention, the belief PR
professionals are glued to their smart phones tweeting like crazy (we DO still
check Facebook!).
Both generations have it wrong! PR involves so much more
than rescuing a politician or planning a gala. It takes the ability to think on
your feet. The press release is not totally dead, so you need to be a strong
writer. PR people must keep up with the latest news. You must understand the
media’s side and know how to pitch journalists. Having a business sense is also
highly recommended. PR is job that takes years to build up credibility and only
a second to destroy it. If we really did “what our friends think we do” there
would be a lot more broken AP style rules in our writing.
There are a million ways to describe what “we actually do.”
But is there just one definition? Definitely not. How do you define PR?
This guest blog post was written by PRowl Staff Member Lauren Bentley.
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